Exposing my course launch to-do list

Plus July income report: how much I made

I created and sold a 4-week course in 2 weeks.

Today, I’m sharing:

  • My July 2024 income report

  • Course creation to-do list

  • Course launch to-do list (premium subs only)

P.S. Check out the course details here.

July 2024 income report

Most of my revenue this month came in the last few days of July, when I launched sales for my course.

Course sales is also why income from B2C was higher than B2B, since I’m still waiting for some sponsorship payments to come in.

However, this month’s revenue didn’t exceed last month (June); I landed a lot of sponsors in June which is why it’s my best month so far.

June revenue: $7,864.38 (84% from sponsors)

July revenue: $4,074.30 (68% from B2C sources)

Every month’s income as a creator fluctuates a lot - that’s why I almost considered doing a subscription for my course.

But after doing the calculations, I think a higher price point yields better lifetime value than a lower-priced subscription with high churn rate (plus I didn’t want the expectation of constantly having to put out content).

Course creation to-do list

  1. Research: competitors, ideal audience’s problems

  2. Announce course topic and collect emails for a waitlist/presale

  3. List course outcomes and outline modules accordingly (I outlined my modules based on the problems my audience has)

  4. Create a point-form outline/template for each module. Mine looks like:

    1. 1 line summary

    2. Story demonstrating the importance of the concept

    3. Teaching the concept

    4. Examples

    5. Summary recapping what we learned

    6. Homework/action items

  5. Write the scripts

  6. Film the videos

  7. Edit the videos

  8. Put content on course platform

  9. Design course images

  10. Set up email automations (reminding people to complete the course)

  11. Get student feedback (bonus if you incorporate it throughout the course - like having homework be to give feedback)

Course launch to-do list

The launch can be more important than the course itself.

You can always improve the course content with student feedback,

But if no one sees it, then it’s just wasted work.

(Plus you will never get real students to give you feedback if there are no students in your course.)

Here’s everything I did for my course launch:

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