My highest revenue generating activity

Plus how much I made in June 2024: income report

I’m exposing my business finances…

But money isn’t everything. I care about how much time I spend too - I don’t want to have 12-hour work days.

So here’s what I’m sharing today:

  • My revenue streams for June 2024

  • How much time I spent on my business

  • Highest leverage, revenue-generating activities (premium subs only)

Highest leverage activities that made me the most money; read more below for premium subscribers

My revenue streams for June 2024

I got a refund this month for a service I purchased 2 months ago, so added it as revenue.

Accountants: please don’t come after me, I already have an accountant who roasts me 😭 

84.4% of revenue came from sponsorships this month (expected from a media company).

Specifically IG sponsorship.

I’m not sure how I feel about this since sponsorship revenue isn’t guaranteed every month.

But when I sold low-ticket items (Notion templates), I had to go viral multiple times to make the same amount 1 sponsor pays me (~$1,000).

That’s why I’m considering selling mid- to high-ticket products, like courses.

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In total, I made just under $8k this month ($2k short of my $10k goal).

How much time I spent on my business

I spent the least amount of time (52 hours) on my business this month because I was travelling.

But still broke my record for highest revenue month.

This wasn’t necessarily because of anything I did…

I think summer months have a lot of brands reaching out to influencers for sponsored posts.

That’s why I made more from IG than my newsletter.

Highest leverage, revenue-generating activities in 2024 so far

The top 3 things I spent time on didn’t directly generate any revenue.

Instead, here’s what I discovered:

  1. My best ROI was $1,000 per hour (I’ll share what the project was below)

  2. I made $5,351.47 from 27.5 hours of work on this 1 thing

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