Stop making this paid ads mistake for your newsletter

Some advice I got and what I'm planning

I’m planning for 2 more cohorts for my course by the end of 2024.

So today I’m sharing:

  • Best practices on paid ads for newsletters

  • #1 mistake when using paid ads to promote a product

  • My step by step plan for marketing my course (premium subs only)


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Best practices on paid ads for newsletters

You’ve probably seen newsletter ads like this everywhere already.

But the reason why they’re everywhere is because they work.

Here’s what you can do to make sure your ad creative is the best it can be:

  1. See what ads your competitors are running

  2. Make the call-to-action (subscribe) clear

  3. Use videos (can be stock footage with text on top)

  4. Survey your readers to use messaging that converts

For #4, here’s an example.

I asked my audience on Instagram what messaging resonated with them for my life tracking course.

A lot of people said this:

  • I felt like life was passing me by

  • I want to spend my time more intentionally

So I used that messaging all over my marketing.

#1 mistake when using paid ads to promote a product

“Paid ads are a waste of money, they didn’t work for me.”

Someone said this when I asked how to use paid ads to promote my course.

But when I dug deeper, I realized they were running ads directly to their product (which cost $300+).

What they should’ve done was warm up their audience first:

  1. Run an ad to a lead magnet or webinar (I’d use a lookalike audience and exclude my existing email list)

  2. Lead nurture + build trust

  3. Pitch the product

  4. Follow up + address objections with offers (at least 10 emails over the course of 2-3 weeks)

  5. Use real urgency and/or scarcity (expiring offers/bonuses, deadlines; having a deadline doubled my revenue from $7k to $14k in 1 day)

  6. (Optional) remarketing ads → rinse and repeat

My step by step plan to $30k in course revenue

Here’s my exact plan to get more out of paid ads (at least 3x ROAS).

It’s based on my experience at an edtech startup.

Sneak peek at the plan

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