The psychology behind an $18k+ webinar funnel

Reverse engineering Vinh Giang's success

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Here’s everything he did to make $18k+ from his 2-hour event.

P.S. I’ve saved my favourite tip at the end for premium subscribers - it’s what I think is the most effective technique he used.

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Setting up the sale using psychology

Selling soft skills is hard.

People would rather buy a course teaching Figma,

Instead of a course teaching communication.

Here’s what Vinh did to convince us otherwise - and how you can apply it to your own marketing.

Loss aversion + problem agitation

He asked us what poor communication was making us miss out on: lack of close friendships, no promotions at work.

In your marketing, clearly outline the problem (that’s why the PAS or Problem-Agitate-Solution copywriting framework is so effective).

Example: my “watch this if you spend too much time on your phone” IG reel

Building trust + retention with storytelling

Vinh told us a personal story that transformed him from a shy man to a keynote speaker.

It kept us engaged throughout the 2 hours (kept listening to see what happened) while also building trust - because he’s been where we are.

He established himself as someone we can relate to, and we trust him to take us to where we want to be.

Example: my marketing career journey IG reel (I still get DMs asking about this)

Closing the sale

Here’s everything Vinh did in the second half of the webinar to get people to buy his $900 product.

Specific examples and outcomes

He outlined exactly how you’ll be transformed - and backs it up with case studies. He showed us before and after speeches from his students, so we could see the transformation ourselves.

Objection handling + reducing risk

He anticipated questions people would have and addressed them immediately.

He also has a satisfaction guarantee offer where you get a refund if you change your mind after 30 days.

Scarcity (2 hour timer) + anchoring

His core offer was the same: his communication course.

But he added 2 bonuses exclusive for webinar attendees…

Bonuses that expire 2 hours after the webinar ends.

He also shared the original prices of all the bonuses,

And discounted it as part of a bundle, so you feel like you’re getting a deal.

And best thing he did that convinced me the most…

Instead of doing what most coaches do,

Vinh did something else.

It made me realize the mistakes I’ve made when hosting webinars.

And it’s a mistake I see many people make when trying to sell a high-ticket offer.

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