Exposing my course creation schedule

Plus August income report

I made $14k+ with my last course launch.

Today I’m sharing how I did it + my August income.

Here’s what to expect:

  • August income report (including ROI on my time)

  • Course launch calendar and emails template (premium subs only)

85% of revenue in August came from course sales

I got less sponsorships this month; my social media + newsletter didn’t grow that much because I was more focused on course creation.

B2B (sponsors) continue to have highest ROI

It takes me less than 1 hour to make a sponsor video (B2B), but I spent 70+ hours this month on course creation and other B2C activities.

Most sponsorship revenue came from Instagram

Since I didn’t make as many posts growing my newsletter, I got less people clicking on ads in it.

For IG sponsors, I get paid a flat fee for 1 video post.

89% of revenue came from B2C sources in August

Most of this is thanks to course sales.

It really shows how you have to diversify income streams as a creator; if I only relied on sponsorships, this would’ve been a terrible month for me, income-wise.

My course launch calendar

I launched my course within 3 weeks of starting research on it.

This calendar template outlines everything I did:

  • Emails (templates included; the objection handling email is my fav)

  • Course creation (outlining modules, writing video scripts, setting up the course platform)

  • Course promotion (IG posts, IG stories, emails)

Grab the template below.

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