How to come up with 20+ content ideas in 1 day

Including ChatGPT prompt

I write 2 email newsletters every week.

Today I’m sharing:

  • An underrated tool for your content research

  • How I never run out of ideas to write about

  • ChatGPT prompt to come up with more ideas effortlessly (premium subs only)

An underrated tool for your content research

  1. Download TikTok on your phone

  2. Go to Creator Search Insights

  3. Search key terms in your niche

  4. See what others are posting about and what content gaps you can fill

How I never run out of ideas to write about

3 words:

Consume content intentionally.

The other day I was scrolling through Instagram while on the toilet.

I laughed at a video and immediately sent it to my partner.

But then I asked myself:

  • What made me want to share it?

  • What can I learn from elements they incorporated in the hook and storytelling that made this video successful?

  • How can I adapt this to my niche?

Then, I add it as an entry in my content bank on Notion.

When it’s time to write my newsletters or make a post, I go through my content bank.

ChatGPT prompt

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