My business documentation system (Notion template)

Exposing how I organize my business

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I used to feel scattered and overwhelmed running my own creator business…

Until I set up the right documentation system in Notion.

So today, I’ll show you:

  • How to set up a business documentation system that works for you

  • Time + delegation audit (also included in my life tracking course)

  • Work documentation template (premium subs only)

Time and delegation audit template; it’s part of my unhinged life tracking course

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Setting up a documentation system

Tools used

Use which tools work best for you. I personally use:

  • Notion

  • Google Sheets

Make a page for goals first

People with long-term thinking have higher chances of success.

Instead of falling victim to shiny object syndrome,

I take action towards my goals without getting distracted.

I’ll link a template for reverse-engineering your goals below, under the premium subs section.

Create categories that make sense

For me that’s:

  • External (sponsors)

  • Internal (documenting my wins, strategy, user research)

  • Poducts (courses, templates)

  • Documentation (meetings, analytics, finances)

I’ll link a template for work documentation + categories, under the premium subs section.

Have a content bank

I tried maintaining a table like this:

But what worked better for me was just dumping point form notes and picking my favourites from there.

It looks disorganized, but it works well for me.

Maintaining documentation

Use for creating SOPs (standard operating procedures) or tutorials if you’re delegating tasks.

Move things into an archive subpage if no longer using them.

Time and delegation audit

If you’re interested in getting more organized and achieving more work-life balance, sign up for the course waitlist to be notified when the next cohort starts.

Work documentation template

You’ll get:

  1. A Notion template categorizing your business

  2. A monthly financial planning template to help you reach your goals

  3. A ChatGPT prompt to help you with your business

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